From my heart and soul
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My blog comes from the heart and is infused with divine downloads from Spirit. This is where I share my personal and professional experience to guide, support and empower you with tools and techniques to navigate your own unique spiritual journey.
5 Tips to Awaken Your Intuition
*This blog is subject to Copyright Laws. Please credit use of my work*
Have you ever had a gut feeling, premonition, hunch or sense of inner knowing, about something or someone in your life?
Does it happen often, occasionally or out of the blue... yet escapes you when needed the most?
Would you like to awaken your intuition and learn to trust what you receive?
To discern between your inner voice, fear voice and all of the noise?
If so, read on...
KNOW that you’re already an intuitive being, with 24/7 access to the divine. All you need to do is quieten your mind, expand your awareness, raise your vibration and dedicate time (and patience) to practice it.
Here’s 5 tips to get you started:
1) Acknowledge your intuition
Acknowledge that you ARE already intuitive! Take a moment to appreciate this innate gift! Recall any times in your life when you received insights, signs, sychronicities, downloads, guidance and messages. Jot them down and refer to them often, especially in times of doubt.
2) Be still and listen
Align your conscious mind with the divine! Create space each day for mental quiet, contemplation and meditation (even if it’s just 5 minutes!). Tune into your heart, expand your consciousness and ask “What do I need to know?”. Practice receiving information and discerning the difference between your guidance and the rest of the noise.
3) Ask and receive
Believe NOW that you are deserving of your dreams! Set heartfelt intentions and focus on future potentials. Feel your desires as if they’ve already arrived. Infuse them with love and hand them over to a higher power. Trust they will be manifested in line with your highest good and the highest good of all concerned.
4) Listen and act
It’s time to co-create! Listen to your inner wisdom and act any inspiration and divine guidance. Take inspired action steps towards your dreams. Look out for signs, symbols, synchronicities and snags such as feathers, butterflies, numbers, words and thoughts. Be grateful for everything you receive!
5) Practice and repeat
Practice using your intuition every day! Take what pops and see what you get. Daily devotion builds confidence, connection, accuracy and trust. It also strengthens your intuitive abilities like a muscle. Don’t ‘try’ too hard though, or be discouraged if nothing seems to be happening. Pause, receive (don’t force) and allow! Repeat.
I have decades of experience, along with a vast array of spiritual, sacred tools, teachings and practices to support your intuitive development. Please reach out if you’d like to know more.
For now though, I’d love to know how you go with my 5 tips…
Rachel x