From my heart and soul
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My blog comes from the heart and is infused with divine downloads from Spirit. This is where I share my personal and professional experience to guide, support and empower you with tools and techniques to navigate your own unique spiritual journey.
5 Ways to Raise Your Vibration
How are you vibrating right now? High, low or you don't really know...?
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How are you vibrating right now? High, low or you don't really know...?
Become aware by tuning into how you feel/have been feeling, your surroundings and what you're attracting in your life. (Please do this exercise in a loving, compassionate and non-judgmental way).
If you're feeling stressed, anxious, depressed, worried, angry, fearful, bitter or fatigued etc (you're not alone!) - chances are you could benefit from a shift in vibration.
YOU are meant to feel good AND experience good in your life!
A vibrational shift can help you to: feel better physically, mentally and emotionally; step into your power and purpose; feel connected to yourself and the world; improve your relationships; experience more peace, love, light, joy and abundance; increase motivation and productivity + much more!
So what are you waiting for...?
Why not try out my 5 ways to raise your vibration, in 5 minutes (or less!). These quick hacks will help you to raise your vibration, elevate your energy field and shift any lower frequencies - to feel lighter and brighter in body, mind and spirit!
The higher your frequency, the higher you'll vibrate and attract the things you want more of in your life!
Like anything, raising your vibration gets easier with practice, repetition and consistency (think learning to drive a car or ride a bike - it's tricky at first right?!). If it's uncomfortable to start with, just keep practicing until it becomes more natural to you. Pick one or two points below that resonate with you and maybe add more, or some of your own.
Let's get started...
5 ways to raise your vibration in 5 minutes (or less!):
1) Ho'opoonono Prayer
Practice the Ho'opoonono Prayer. Put your hands together in prayer pose, drop your awareness into your heart, gently close your eyes and repeat... "I'm sorry. Please forgive me. Thank you. I love you". Repeat it over and over with faith and feeling. Practice this morning, noon and night!
2) Smile and breathe
Wake up and smile - whether you feel like it or not! Walk around the house with a big smile on your face. Close your eyes and smile with your mouth, eyes, heart and cells. Breathe in a smiling energy to every part of your being. Breathe out stress and tension. Turn that frown upside down!
3) Give it to God or the Universe
Give it to God or the Universe. Say "Please take this_______ from me and transform it into a miracle". Then hand it over, let go and have faith (visualise and feel this)! As "A Course in Miracles" says, it's not enough to bring the light to the darkness, we must take the darkness to the light.
4) Nature and Nurture
Go outside, look around and look up! Observe the beauty and synchronicity of nature. Feel the earth beneath your feet. The sun kissing your skin. Ground yourself. Breathe in the fresh air. Feel the breeze in your hair. Lay on the ground and watch the clouds. Nurture your spirit in nature.
5) Thanking over Thinking
Stop thinking and start thanking! Whenever you have a negative thought or experience a negative narrative, say "THANK YOU"! Express gratitude and appreciation for all of the things you already have in your life. For the new things. For the big and small things. For all things!
Practice them daily and let me know how you go!
Rachel ♡