From my heart and soul
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My blog comes from the heart and is infused with divine downloads from Spirit. This is where I share my personal and professional experience to guide, support and empower you with tools and techniques to navigate your own unique spiritual journey.
6 Ways To Manifest Lion's Gate Magic
It all begins with an idea.
*This blog is subject to Copyright Laws. Please credit use of my work*
Are you ready to boost your abundance and manifest some serious magic?
Today's the 8th of the 8th. A HUGE day in Astrology and Numerology.
It's the Lion's Gate Portal, a rare gateway (portal) into the spiritual and physical worlds. Basically, it offers a bridge to accelerate your soul's awakening, evolution and illumination! A time to trust in yourself, others and Spirit.
Lion's Gate is about living from your heart and aligning with your passions and purpose. It's a super charged time to step into your light and tap into your most authentic self, to manifest powerful transformations in your life.
Whilst it occurs between 26 July to 12 August each year, Lion's Gate is activated today, the 8th of August. And this year it's especially potent, as it combines the New Moon energy with the number 8 (in numerology it means: harmony, abundance, strength, confidence, power, resilience and infinity).
So, why not align with this energy and be your most brave, bold, courageous and authentic self?
Here's 6 Ways to Manifest it's Magic:
1) Set your intentions - Feel deeply into the things you'd like to change, create and manifest in your life. Connect with your heart's deepest desires and then write them down. Focus on aligning your energy with Spirit and reaffirming your intentions daily, until you've anchored them into the physical world. Have faith in miraculous outcomes!
2) Let go - Release the past and shed limiting beliefs, conditioning, grievances, shadows, patterns and old wounds, Let go of any people, places and things that no longer serve your soul. Journal. Practice Forgiveness. Pray. Do shadow/inner child work. Get creative. Let go with love and welcome new ways of seeing and operating in the world!
3) Embrace the unknown - Stop fearing the unknown and blocking your true path, purpose and potential. Cease any complaining, comparing, separating and/or creating limitations around yourself, others and Spirit. It's a time to be bold, courageous and brave and to take up space in the unknown. Believe in yourself and embrace all miracles, gifts, opportunities and infinite possibilities coming your way! Stay open, elevated and go with the flow.
4) Trust the Universe - Now's a perfect time to have full faith in the Universe and it's divine plan for you. To trust in unexpected outcomes and connect with your passions, dharma and purpose. Tune into and follow the signs, guidance and nudges from Spirit and any whispers from your soul. Allow your destiny to unfold organically and get out of your own way! Devote yourself to the divine and move forward with grace.
5) Take pride in yourself - Practice daily rituals, protect your energy field and nourish yourself emotionally, mentally, physically and spiritually. Choose to see Spirit in yourself, others and all things. Forgive yourself and love yourself in the now. Learn your lessons and accept your blessings. Step into your authentic power, embrace your passions and own your light. Be who you truly are and let yourself ROAR!
6) Live your dream life - You deserve to receive and live the life of your dreams! No more playing life small, people pleasing or hiding your light - now's the time to dream big and co-create your most inspired life. Know that anything is possible when you trust Spirit, embrace your light and align with this powerful energy. It's time to unleash your pure potential. Visualise it, feel it, live it - then show up and shine!
I truly believe that anything is possible for you!
Let me know how you go.
Rachel ♡